Use our brand generator tool for free right now:
Construct an original name for a new product or identity with our Arcane Brand Generator.
Whether relevant to your industry or simply a name that you like, we will analyze brands of your choosing to build a profile of 50+ weighted data points and return the most closely aligned names available for registration in the English language.
But how does it work? Our algorith will analyze your inputs across dozens of language properties including syllables, characters, pronunciation patterns, sound patterns, synonyms, definitions, and more. Then, we’ll identify similarities in English words as well as Germanic and Latin word parts. With those results, we’ll weigh their consistency across the inputs and mix and match the results to arrive at new words. Finally, we’ll re-analyze those results and return only those which most closely match your inputs.
Want more information? Learn what factors into our brand name generator tool and find out why it’s important to create brand name recognition for your business.